“When you become a mother, you really see firsthand how vulnerable and innocent children are, and it’s impossible not to see the gravity of the fact that so many children around the world have no support system.”
By Sarah Ferguson | Published: May 14, 2018
“I think about how much my children need me and need a community of love and strength and guidance to have a shot at life. So many children in developing countries don’t even have a sliver of that. So I started Project Lion.
In its first three years, Project Lion and UNICEF India will serve 200,000 Indian orphans to ensure they have legal paperwork, adequate nutrition, basic healthcare and access to education. It will also work to get children out of institutionalized care and into longterm family care, and will create alternative models for nontraditional family care with a child-centered approach. I consider myself so fortunate to be in a position to make a real difference in the future of India’s most vulnerable children and to empower them to rewrite their futures.”